Visit Edward’s Garden Center for top quality plants and more! We carry a wide variety of perennials, tropicals, roses, shrubbery and trees all carefully chosen for beauty and hardiness.
If you are a “Do It Yourselfer”, check out our “We Plan, You Plant” service. Edward’s assures that every customer’s gardening or landscaping experience is a successful and pleasurable one.
As you stroll through our pathways, you never know what you’ll find around the next corner. Your children will love seeing our pet bunnies, pheasants, ferrets, and ducks. Edward’s is truly fun for the whole family.
Our large water gardening department has everything you will need to build and maintain your water feature, including expert advice. Need ideas? Check out our 17 water features on display from a small bubbler to a giant waterfall with many other types and sizes in between. Our operating fountain collection is one of the largest in the Northeast.
Our greenhouse is a rainbow of color with annual flowers, combination pots and hanging baskets. You can also liven up your outdoor space with a beautiful fountain, garden statue, bird bath or bench.