One of many fun things about gardening is that you can really show off your personality through your choices. The flowers and shrubs you choose. The materials you use. To mulch or not to mulch? The accessories you adorn your garden with. Is your garden ‘fairy nice’? Do you think of your yard as ‘home sweet gnome’? Maybe you think outside the clay pot and enjoy planting in unusual containers like an old bike with a flower-filled basket. Or a chair with a flower pot where the seat once sat. The options abound.
Here at Edward’s Garden Center, you know that we love to explore new options. Take one look around. From the orange, flower-filled VW buggy to the piano water feature. You can let your creativity shine the same way that we do. All you have to do is let your mind wander. You wouldn’t want your plants to stop growing or your trees to stop bearing fruit so don’t limit the possibilities you consider for your garden décor.

Have old work boots or rain boots that are ready for the trash? Give them new life with some color! Place flowers inside. Walking past a house that’s throwing away a bike? Take it home. You could paint it a fun, bright color and let ivy grown around it or dismantle it and salvage a number of different pieces for your garden. Turn one of the wheels into a gorgeous kaleidoscope of color with stained glass in between the spokes. Put the seat into the ground and let your garden frogs hop up there.
Another great way to style your garden is to visit a flea market or thrift shop. As the saying goes,“One man’s trash is another man’s treasure.” And that is just the idea for the right mind –and by the way, the right side of the brain is where our creative thoughts comes from. So don’t limit yourself with killjoy thoughts like, “Maybe that will look silly,” or “But that would take a lot of work and I just don’t have time,” or worst of all, “I can’t do that.”
If you’re reading this and saying to yourself “But I’m just not the creativity type; my brain doesn’t work that way,” that’s okay too. What do you think Pinterest and Instagram are for? None of us are reinventing the wheel (well, you could if you create the stained glass wheel mentioned above). Most ideas have been thought. But the great part is that we can add our own touch. The colors we choose to paint. The flowers or plants we choose to feature. A water feature if we like.
And if you need inspiration, come see us. One short walk around and seeds for ideas will be planted in your mind. If you like what we’ve done, we don’t mind at all if you copy us.

Let your personality show in your garden. And remember: #growthhappenswhenyougarden.